Best Flight School for Commercial Pilot License in SAfrica

  • Top Crew Aviation is associated with the Best Flight school of South Africa .
  • The flight school is housed  in the South African city of Durban.
  • The flight school is for both ,one who is just for the thrill  of becoming an aviator, or one who wants to become a professional commercial pilot.
  • The goal of the flight school is to offer the Best Infrastructure , facilities & training.
  • The Best of flying experience is possible cos of high quality instructors who ensure safest and strictest standards of flight training to the aspiring students.

Best Flight School of South africa
Fly high with Flight School of SA . To check a video of the Flight School,, click on the above image

Top Courses offered at the TCA’s Best Flight school

The Top Crew Aviation imparts various courses at its Best Flight School in South Africa , which are as under :

  • Private Pilot License
  • Instrument Rating
  • Night Rating
  • Airline Transport License
  • Instructor’s Rating

Best Aircrafts at the Flight School

Best Flight School in South Africa :Cessna 150
Cessna 150

Best Flight school in south africa
Cessna 152

Best flight School In South Africa
Cessna 172

Best flight School in South africa
Cessna 172RG

est flight school in south africa
Beech Craft Baron

best flight school in south africa
Piper seneca

Best flight school in south africa

Best Facilities at the Flight School

Best flight school of south africa
Best Accommodation Facility
Best flight school of south africa
Best Accommodation Facility
Best flight school of south africa
Best accommodation facility

Best Flight School of South Africa
Best Flight Facility in South Africa

Best flight school of south africa
Best Flight Facility in South Africa


One of the Most Economical  flight school in South Africa .

Commercial Pilot License issued by CAA is fully accepted by DGCA to be converted to Indian CPL .

A Flight School with an outstanding reputation where aspiring commercial pilots come from all over the world.

Best instructors to guide and impart practical at the flight school .

Flight school Course completion in 10 to 12 months .

Extremely Popular destination for students from all over the world .


Best Location of Flight School

best flight school of south sfrica
Click above to know more on Flight School City of Durban

The Flight School is located in the picturesque port city of Durban ,which offers a unique location on the Indian ocean , making it the 3rd largest city of South Africa . Its position on a seaport had a given it earlier the name of  Port Natal  .  It has a mix of Asian, Indian, White and Zulu populations.

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The Flight school location at google maps :

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